During the month of November in the middle of my dining room table stood a branch in a vase. Next to the vase was a small bowl filled with paper leaves. Each morning the children and I would take a leaf and write something we were thankful for. Then we would hang the leaf upon the branch. Day by day our little branch became our "Tree of Thanks". Some leaves were funny, some were very sweet, some were so typical of a 3 year old, some show the maturity of my young children, but all of them were true & from the heart.
I'm thankful for............
"cupcakes" ~ Matthew
"the sun" ~ Eeva-Liisa
"Ms. Angela" ~ Bella
"when Nanook turns on Noggin for me" ~ Ian
"new friends at school" ~ Eeva-Liisa
"nature" ~ Eeva-Liisa
"the plants that grew in our garden" ~ Ian
"Echo" (our new dog) ~ Eeva-Liisa
"Mommy & Daddy" ~ Ian
"Diapers" ~ Mommy
"diggers" ~ Ian
"nice books" ~ Eeva-Liisa
"the poetry fairy" ~ Ian
" the toys in the playroom" ~ Matthew
"apples" ~ Bella
"that Pepere blew all the leaves into big piles" ~ Ian (mommy agrees)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Our Thanksgiving Tradition
Four Thanksgivings ago our family started a new tradition, after a yummy breakfast prepared by Nanook we head into the forest for a nature walk. During our walk we collect pieces of nature to decorate a grapevine wreath. We then assemble the wreath together as a family & proudly display it on our front door for the holiday season. Along the way the children knock on trees with openings to see if any fairies are home & they love to cross the small brook (no one got wet this year). It also gives us a chance to chat, identify trees, talk about my own childhood that I spent playing in the very same forest that we are walking in. I so enjoy our gentle walk in the morning because the rest of our day is so busy and I often lose site of what this holiday is suppose to bring. But as I'm locking the front door every morning I glance up at the wreath and remember exactly what I'm thankful for:)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009

We end our day outside as the sun sets behind the trees:)
Thursday, November 12, 2009

On November 11th we celebrate a festival called M

artinmas. During this festival we honor St. Martin the patron saint of soliders. Martinmas is a quiet festival that celebrates each person's individual inner light and how they share that light with the world. It honors and protects the light- not only the light in ourselves, but the fading light from the sky. This is a festival that helps us get ready for the coming season of darkness which we celebrate by bringing the light. At The Nest each child created a little lantern out of a baby food jar, tissue paper & glue. It took a lot of concentration to thread the colorful beads onto the wire but they all did very well. In a traditional Waldorf school the children would use these lanterns for a lantern walk through the forest. Our family has attend 3 Lantern Walks and I find this festival to be one of my favorites. Dozen of tiny lanterns glimmering along a forest path guided only by the moonlight & sweet little voices singing " I walk with my little lantern, my lantern myself and I". At the end of the walk we gather around a camp fire and enjoy warm cidar, homemade bread and soup. I hope in the coming years to have enough families at The Nest to do my own Lantern Walk:)

Peace ~ Angela
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Playgroups at The Nest
Something new at The Nest.........PLAYGROUPS!
I've expanded on an old idea of gathering children of similar ages together and letting them play, socialize & explore.The playgroups will take place on Mondays & Fridays and run in 6 week sessions. I have included our playgroup rhythm below and a list of the "Late Fall Session" themes. If any of you are interested or know of another family who might be please email me for more details:)
8:30 ~ meet outside and take a walk in the forest
9:00 ~ Circle Time
9:30 ~ Creative Free Play
10:00 ~ Snack
10:30 ~ Artistic Activity
11:00 ~ Outdoor Play
11:30 ~ Goodbye Friends
Week 1 ~ Fire
Week 2 ~ Wind
Week 3 ~ Spiders, Weaving
Week 4 ~ Thanksgivig & Gratitude
Week 5 ~ Hope
Week 6 ~ Love
8:30 ~ meet outside and take a walk in the forest
9:00 ~ Circle Time
9:30 ~ Creative Free Play
10:00 ~ Snack
10:30 ~ Artistic Activity
11:00 ~ Outdoor Play
11:30 ~ Goodbye Friends
Week 1 ~ Fire
Week 2 ~ Wind
Week 3 ~ Spiders, Weaving
Week 4 ~ Thanksgivig & Gratitude
Week 5 ~ Hope
Week 6 ~ Love
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Fall Fun
Last week my father (the kids call him Pepere) used his leaf blower to make 3 huge piles of leaves in the front yard. The idea was that I would be able to pick them up easier this way. Well the kids have been having such a good time playing in them I can't possibly pick them up yet:) At least that's what I keep telling Derek when he asks if I had a chance to get to the leaves yet. I will have to do it soon or else the kids will be helping me plant new grass in the front yard come Spring. Take some time to jump in the leaves today:)
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